You can help keep the CALLS FROM HOME weekly radio show free for all callers & going strong by making a donation directly to WMMT-FM here!
We are also seeking donations for our CALLS FROM HOME film impact work! Any amount is a huge help!
Your contribution will directly support our film outreach work & upcoming community screenings.
Right now we are using this film to support abolitionist organizing to:
Fight the proposed FCI-Letcher Federal Prison, with the Building Community Not Prisons (BCNP) coalition.
Launch the Free The Mississippi Five campaign with Study and Struggle.
Build the movement to end the torturous practice of solitary confinement in Virginia's prisons and jails, with the Virginia Coalition on Solitary Confinement.
Donations will help us to create screening materials, support promotion, and provide travel and honorarium support for directly impacted people to attend and speak at campaign screening events, including the people featured in this film.
You can send impact campaign contributions via Venmo @callsfromhomeimpact or scan the QR code below.
For a generous contribution of $50 or more, we will personally mail you our beautiful film poster designed by incarcerated artist Peter Kamau Mukuria AKA PITT Panther (see left)!
If you would like a film poster, please email Sylvia directly at sylvia.ryerson@gmail.com, with your full name and mailing address.
We so appreciate your support in helping us to share these stories.