The following list resources was curated by Working Films in collaboration with the Center for Political Education, Critical Resistance, MPD150, and Survived + Punished for the Beyond Walls film compilation & tour. We hope these materials can be used following screenings of Calls from Home to support further discussions, identify actions, learn more, and get involved with organizations working to abolish the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC).
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Start Here! The best place to start is to find out if there are local organizations working on PIC abolition in your community. It’s also important to form relationships with people who are incarcerated. The links below can help you with both of these efforts.
If you are working on a local campaign around policing, or prisons, or anything related to the PIC, check out the resources below to make sure you are employing an abolition strategy:
Resources that can be used if you are developing a campaign to abolish policing in your community.
Our Communities, Our Solutions: An Organizer’s Toolkit For Developing Campaigns to Abolish Policing.
Resources for creating community based violence solutions and investing in community care.
If you or someone you know is facing charges, these resources will help you learn about Participatory Defense – a community organizing model for people facing charges, their families, and their communities to impact the outcome of cases and transform the landscape of power in the court system.
If you can not find a local group in your area, or are just interested in learning more about PIC abolition, we invite you to join together with friends, neighbors, or anyone in your community to form a study group to learn more. The following links will provide some opportunities.